Sweet Home Class of 75 reunion dates


Help us make it special

Thank you for contributing recommendations for group gatherings for the days before the main event. As in previous years, there will be some sort of an ice-breaker event Friday night, TBD. But why not make a long weekend out of it? Here are some suggestions for some large and  smaller-group activities. Many of these will require reservations and pre-ticketing, handled separately from the reunion tickets.

PLEASE NOTE: At this time, you will not need to attend Saturday’s dinner in order to join the pre-reunion fun. But we hope you don’t miss the main event at Banchetti’s!

Please send your suggestions to sweethome75reunion@gmail.comor use the comment section below.

Make a long weekend of it!

Thursday and/or Friday and/or Saturday Daytime.

These suggestions include those for small groups, large groups, family-friendly outings, and some that are open to adults only. 

Additional ideas that may also be appropriate for the
Friday Night Meet & Greet

Traditionally we have booked a private room at a restaurant with catered appetizers or pre-paid hors d’oeuvres packages. If we stick with this set-up, it was suggested that we look into the Anchor Bar, at the location of the former Honey’s, where our 40th Friday night party was. 

If we decide to tweak this tradition for our 50th, a look at other area school’s pre-reunion, friday night meet and greets have included:

But what do YOU want to do? Please comment!

Your 50-year Reunion Co-Chairs:
Alison (Hoy) Skar & Laurie (Enger) Freehafer

Email the committee: