Sweet Home Class of '75



Banchetti's Grove inside
Banchetti's Grove

OUR 50-YEAR CELEBRATION DINNER PARTY is Saturday, July 12, 6:00 to 11:00

Reunion night at Banchetti’s Grove, 550 N. French, Amherst, will be more than just delicious food. Come prepared to laugh, dance, eat, drink, and mingle. We’ll watch a hilarious and nostalgic slide show, enjoy great music, speeches, and surprises. We’ll be celebrating in a sheltered outdoor venue, therefore respectful/casual attire is recommended.

Registration is open! REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED!

Visit https://sweethome75.com/register for both online and mail-in registration forms.
Deadline for registration is June 12, but early registration is appreciated.

THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS EVENT FOR OUR CLASS AND A GUEST, thanks to an extremely generous donation from a member of the class of ‘75

The program:

  • Open top shelf bar all night.
  • Hors d’oeuvres from 6:00 to 7:00
  • Deluxe buffet dinner, coffee, dessert from 7:00 to 8:00
  • DJ, outdoor games, and special features from 8:00 to 11:00

More information coming soon:

  • What’s on the menu, from hors d’oeuvres to the deluxe buffet to the dessert
  • Special entertainment features

NOTE! Secure your Lodging!

Local hotels are filling up for Reunion Weekend. Please book your rooms ASAP. Visit https://sweethome75.com/lodging for suggestions and contact information.

Email your questions to sweethome75reunion@gmail.com, or use the form below.

Suggestions and/or comments?

Your 50th Reunion Co-Chairs:
Alison (Hoy) Skar & Laurie (Enger) Freehafer

Email the committee: