sweet home class of 75 reunion

Just some housekeeping

vacuum cleaner in high school corridor

about our site...

Here is some general information about this website:

    • Owned and maintained by Laurie Enger Freehafer.
    • The primary purpose of this website is to provide updates on our 50-year reunion, to be held in 2025.
    • We welcome guest-blogger entries. Do you have some news, memories, suggestions, ephemera, photos to share? Submit them to sweethome75reunion@gmail.com.
    • We also welcome comments on the blog posts, which will be approved asap.
    • Prior to publication, your comments and guest blog posts will be reviewed by me or Alison Hoy Skar( this is to dodge spam).

Other purposes of this website are to:

    • provide general class and school-related information.
    • solicit donations towards the reunion.
    • encourage interest in attending our reunion.
    • to network with classmates who don’t use social media.
    • pure entertainment

Here is the disclaimer, also found at the disclaimer page:

The sweethome75.com website is owned and maintained by Laurie Freehafer, and not by any other entity person or entity.

The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in this website text belong solely to the authors, visitors and commentors, and not to Sweet Home schools, or any organization, committee or other group or individual. While strong efforts are made to make ensure the information is accurate, up-to-date, and respectful in nature, we can take no responsibility for viewer interpretation of the content.

© 2023 by Laurie Enger Freehafer. All rights reserved.

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