Every year of our lives is so precious; every moment — good or bad — is valuable, as we have lived and learned, year after year, since childhood. As the ones not on this sad list, we know that these reunions–with the laughter, embarrassing memories, toasting our old friends and overlooking their physical changes–matter to us right now. We are still here, and our lost friends remind us to doggedly chase after good times. We will be glad we had at least this one more memorable time together.
Wish you were here.
Did we miss anyone? Please send information to
Roseann Adornetto
Sally Bedient
Nancy Biondo
Mark Burkholder
Bob Celeri
Sharon Croop
John Croucher
Glen Cudzilo
Eric Dahlstrom
Steve Decker
Sheila Donovan
Rita Dotzy
Bob Eichler
James Fragale
Melanie Gaglione
Linda Garus
Martha Gill
Rob Glady
Barb Green
Ted (Brendel) Hardy
James Hearn
Dave Izard
Michael Krupnick
Sandy LaRusch
Patty Maloney
Tom Mapes
Mary McLaughlin
Mary McLeod
Bob Munley
Bonnie Newcomer
Clatus O’Donnell
Ronnie Olsen
Phil Pielmeier
James Rago
Karen Rolling
Pat Sauer
Joe Schimenti
Tom Seigel
Fred Smith
Marty Smith
John Strickland
Mark Suchman
Bob Swedenhjelm
Vynne Teresi
Angela Thomas
Greg Tolsma
Mark Tracey
Kim Wagner
Kathy Walbesser
Gary White
Debbie Wiseman