Every year of our lives is so precious. Every moment — good or bad — is valuable, as we have lived and learned, year by year, since childhood. As the ones who are still around, and hopefully in good health, we know that these Class of ’75 gatherings matter to us right now. We relish the laughter, embarrassing memories, toasting our old friends, and overlooking their physical changes (wrinkles? What wrinkles?) an we appreciate our classmates overlooking ours. As we mingle, catch up, introduce ourselves and reintroduce ourselves, we think “I wish I’d known you better back then.”
We are still here. We are the ones that made it to our 50-year reunion; how we wish we could have all made it. Our lost friends, though, remind us to doggedly chase after good times. We will be glad we had at least this one more memorable time together.
Here is the web page recognizing our deceased classmates:
We try to keep this list accurate and up to date. Did we miss someone? Send details to sweethome75reunion@gmail.com