Donations are why we can now offer Saturday night’s dinner function FREE. The class of ’75 still has expenses, therefore our class is still requesting your donations!
No one should miss out. Our focus now is on these things: increasing attendance, making sure the reunion is Class of ’75-worthy by providing food and beverage upgrades, adding special features, as well as helping to pay for our 55th reunion in 2030. Please consider the money you saved on the free reunion tickets for the 50th, plus the money we all saved on travel, lodging, tickets and other expenses due to the cancellation of our 45th. and donate to the class of ’75.
Payable to
Richard Teal
Mail to
Richard Teal, Treasurer
41 Kings Trail
Williamsville, NY 14221
While we are “not-for-profit,” meaning all donations go to the class treasury and not to the organizers, WE ARE NOT A 501(C) NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION. Your donations are a gift to your class, and not tax deductible.
You are welcome to earmark your donations to support any item below, or to make a general donation to the class treasury.
We welcome your questions