Trivia, stats, and memories of the class of '75


sweet home class of 75 homeroom

General class info

  • How many students were in the Sweet Home High School class of 1975? Approximately 590 all told, around 40 now deceased.
  • Who were our class officers? Senior class council: Carol Benner, the late Rob Glady, Sharon Hanny,  Missy Hardy, Chuck Hess, Lynn Maraschiello, Polly Plewniak.
  • Who were our valedictorian and salutatorian? Janet Eldred and Karen Daly.
  • Who were our exchange students? Incoming: Cecilia Augutis, Sweden. Outgoing: Laurie Enger, Sri Lanka.
  • The Class of ’75 was the 17th class to graduate from Sweet Home High School. Prior to 1959, high school students attended Amherst Central or Tonawanda High School.

Our most popular names vs. 1957

Our first names

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